Monday, May 4, 2009

Days Like This...


Days like this just suck. There is no other polite way to describe them.

And on days like this, I seriously think that if I could go back in time, I would opt to join the circus instead of being a mom. At least you can train animals.

Ugh. Just ugh.


  1. Yeah, you can train animals. But at least, once trained, kids won't crap on the floor or possibly bite off an appendage.

    I figure, dogs are just as good for me for now. Seriously, I think I would totally lose patience with a kid right now... and I just don't consider a straight jacket a fashion statement...

  2. Hi! I'm Mrs. Fuzz. I've just become a police wife and i've been looking for and finding so many others online. I'm glad to have found yours! Do you mind if I add you to my growing list of police wife links?


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