Thursday, December 31, 2009

Adios 2009!

Today is the final day of 2009, and what a year it has been. Some good, some bad and a whole lot that falls somewhere in between the two. But, for better or worse, the year ends tonight. And with a blue moon even! So I figure, what better than to end the year with a post on my blog, which in recent months seem to be "once every blue moon"!

With the close of one year, and the beginning of a new one, I've decided to set several goals for the year. Don't we all!?!?!

One of my goals for the upcoming year is to blog more regularly. Another goal is to participate in a 365 photography challenge. This means that I am challenging myself to take at least one photograph every day in 2010. To simplify things, I decided to combine the two. I will be posting the daily pictures here on my blog as a means to keep up with the challenge, and also to help me photograph things I'm either passionate or obsessive about.

I look forward to starting this project tomorrow, and I look forward to sharing it with you as well. I hope you'll follow along with on this journey, whether it is just from an observation point-of-view or an active participant. If you'd like to participate along with me, please let me know as I'd love to share the journey with others. As always, I'm open to your thoughts, comments, and even constructive criticism regarding my photos.

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