Sunday, April 26, 2009

PWO blog-a-thon success!

Well, we didn't quite reach the goal, but we did raise $300 at last count and I think that is a huge success.

A huge thank you to everyone who read and supported the blog-a-thon and to those who donated.
A huge thank you to all of the blog authors that stayed up to participate.
And to MJ who took on the task of organizing this challenge and managed to actually stay up all night to continue. You are a force to be recognized and we are blessed you are part of the site. Thank you, yet again.

It was a great project although I'm embarrassed to admit I fell asleep about 4am. I didn't mean to. I meant to simply lay in bed and read until the husband fell asleep...but I actually think I passed out before he did! Even still, it was great fun!

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